

Reports represent the details that are available in the Reports page of the SysCloud application which provide details about the Restores and Exports that have been performed on the given SysCloud Installation.

The Endpoints currently exposed under Reports have the folllowing resources:

  • RestoreReport: Represents a restore job performed in the SysCloud application. This contains details about the restore start and end time, comments added during the restore initiation, details about the user who initiated the restore, etc.

  • RestoreItemReport: Represents an archive item which is a part of a given restore identified by the restoreId. This contains details like the objectId of the item and additional metadata contained in that object.

  • ExportReport: Represents an export job performed in the SysCloud application. This contains details about the export start and end time, comments added during the export initiation, details about the user who initiated the export, the export link once the export is completed, etc.

  • ExportItemReport: Represents an archive item which is a part of a given restore identified by the exportId. This contains details like the objectId of the item and additional metadata contained in that object.