

Authentication is required to access the SysCloud API endpoints securely. The SysCloud API supports the client_credentials grant, ensuring that only authorized clients can make requests.

The Client Credentials Grant is suitable for machine-to-machine authentication where the client can be trusted with its credentials.

How to Authenticate

To authenticate using the Client Credentials Grant, send a POST request to the token endpoint with the client credentials.

POST /auth/token HTTP/1.1 
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 

client_id=<your client id>&client_secret=<your client secret> 

Example Response:

  "access_token": "your_access_token",  
  "token_type": "Bearer",  
  "expires_in": 3600  

API Credentials

The credentials required to generate an access token, i.e., the client id and client secret can be obtained from the SysCloud app, in the SysCloud API section under the Account Management page.

Obtaining API Credentials

To obtain API credentials for SysCloud API, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to the SysCloud application and navigate to Account Management by clicking on the settings icon


Step 2: Once on the Account Management Page, navigate to the SysCloud API page from the side list:


Step 3: On the SysCloud API page, click on the Register your application button to start the creation of a new client application. A Side panel will be displayed with the form to enter the name and required scopes of the application. Provide the name, select the required scopes, and click on the Register button.


Step 4: Once the Application has been created, the client id and the client secret will be displayed only once and can be copied from the console. The credentials can also be downloaded as a CSV file.


Using API Credentials

Once you have obtained your API credentials, you can use them to generate access tokens to authenticate your requests to SysCloud API.

Token Expiration

Access Tokens are short lived and will expire after 1 hour. Thereafter, to access the API a new access token must be created to authenticate further API calls.